Suzuki Insurance Quotes

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While no longer sold in the US, there are still many Americans who drive older Suzuki models.  For drivers of 2012 and 2013 Suzuki models, the average annual cost of car insurance ranges between $750 and $850 ($63 to $71 per month).

While lots of factors go into determining your insurance rate, the make and model of the vehicle you drive is one of the biggest. USAA and Cincinnati Insurance offer some of the cheapest insurance for several Suzuki models.

With The Zebra, you can quickly compare Suzuki insurance quotes across over one hundred insurance companies to help find the best coverage for the best price, specifically for your vehicle:


Frequently asked questions:


1. How much is insurance for a Suzuki?

For owners of 2012 and 2013 Suzuki models in the US, car insurance costs average between $750 to $850 annually ($63 to $71 per month). However, the actual price of Suzuki car insurance varies based on factors such as the model and year of the car, the driver's age, driving record, and ZIP code, and the coverage options selected.

2. What kind of coverage do I need for my Suzuki?

63% of The Zebra's Suzuki customers opt for only the state-mandated liability coverage. This may be adequate for Suzukis worth less than $4,000, but for more valuable vehicles we always recommend having at least comprehensive and collision (full) coverage. 

3. Does Suzuki car insurance cover aftermarket modifications?

It depends on the insurance policy. Some insurers may offer coverage for aftermarket modifications, but it's essential to inform your insurance company about any alterations made to your Suzuki to ensure proper coverage.

Suzuki insurance rates by model: